Day 3 PM Session Plan

This session introduces students to natural language processing with machine learning

Presentation Slides

Session Introduction


    What Are We Doing?

    Identifying Sentiment in Text Using the VADER Analysis Tool
    Classifying Text Using the Naive Bayes Algorithm

Sentiment Analysis


    Students will learn:

    How sentiment analysis works with VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner)
    Setting up the sentiment analysis project
    Performing analysis with VADER using code
  • The students can add additional sentences and see how the analysis system rates them.

Text Classification


    Students will learn:

    How to use the Naive Bayes Algorithm
    Setting up the project
    Performing Data Analysis
    Interpreting text using vectorization
    Training, predicting, and testing the dataset
  • The students can test the model against their own written game reviews and see how the model classifies them