Day 2 AM Session Plan

Students will learn the basics of C# Scripting

Presentation Slides

Session Introduction

Start the course with slides 1 and 2 that tells students what they will learn during the course.

Today we will cover how to:

Create Triggers
Make Collectibles and Hazards
Make and use power-ups

Create Triggers

Students will learn how triggers work in Unity, how to make them, and how to use them.

They will apply what they learn about triggers by creating simple collectible coins to place through a level.

Collectibles and Hazards

Students will add a new collectible, XP, to their game. They are given the option to create different kinds of collectibles as they see fit.

They will then learn how to use triggers to do things like damage the player by creating hazards. One type of hazard is static and the other is a projectile that shoots from an object. Students may create new hazards based off of what they've learned here.


Finally, students will use triggers to change player traits using power-ups such as a Jump Boost and a Speed Boost.