Day 1 AM Session Plan

Learning th basics of Unity and C# scripts.

Presentation Slides

Session Introduction

Start the course with slides 1 and 2 that tells students what they will learn during the course.

This week we will cover how to:

Use a Game Engine (Unity)
Write and modify C# scripts
Design and Build 2D and 3D Games
Work with a Dev Team

Intro to Unity

What Are We Doing Today?

How to think like a Designer
Explore games made in Unity
How to navigate the Unity UI
How to create and edit GameObjects

1000 Blank White Cards!

Students will create a game. The goal is to reach 1000 points. Card point values must be between -100 and 100, in intervals of 10.

Students are free to make and change the rules for this game and may make new cards during the game.

Unity Basics

Students will learn:

What Unity is
How to navigate the Unity UI
How to create and edit GameObjects
How to navigate scenes

Students will apply these skills in a scavenger hunt within Unity. After completing it, they may move on to the afternoon session.