import random import operator RPS_WIN_LOGIC = {'rock':'scissors', 'paper':'rock', 'scissors':'paper'} RPS_LOSE_LOGIC = {'scissors':'rock', 'paper':'scissors', 'rock':'paper'} ROUNDS_PER_MATCH = 1000 ######## class AIGamePlayer: name = "Pure Random Choice" def make_choice(self): return random.choice(['rock', 'paper', 'scissors']) def view_opponent_choice(self, opponent_choice): return def new_player(self): return class GamePlayer_Scissors(AIGamePlayer): name = "Always Pick Scissors" def make_choice(self): return 'scissors' class GamePlayer_PickToBeatAllChoicesRandom(AIGamePlayer): name = "Learn and then Random" def __init__(self): self.choice_list = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors'] def make_choice(self): return random.choice(self.choice_list) def view_opponent_choice(self, opponent_choice): self.choice_list.append(RPS_LOSE_LOGIC[opponent_choice]) def new_player(self): self.choice_list = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors'] class GamePlayer_PickToBeatMostChosen(AIGamePlayer): name = "Learn and pick most likely to beat opponent's choices" def __init__(self): self.choice_list = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors'] def make_choice(self): rocks = self.choice_list.count('rock') papers = self.choice_list.count('paper') scissors = self.choice_list.count('scissors') if (rocks > papers and rocks > scissors): return 'rock' elif (scissors > rocks and scissors > papers): return 'scissors' else: return 'paper' def view_opponent_choice(self, opponent_choice): self.choice_list.append(RPS_LOSE_LOGIC[opponent_choice]) def new_player(self): self.choice_list = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors'] class GamePlayer_LoopThreeChoices(AIGamePlayer): name = "Loop Three Choices" def __init__(self): self.initial_list = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors'] self.index = 0 def make_choice(self): choice = self.initial_list[self.index] self.index += 1 if self.index > 2: self.index = 0 return choice class GamePlayer_TripleLoopThreeChoices(AIGamePlayer): name = "Triple Loop Three Choices" def __init__(self): self.initial_list = ['rock', 'rock', 'rock', 'paper', 'paper', 'paper', 'scissors','scissors', 'scissors'] self.index = 0 def make_choice(self): choice = self.initial_list[self.index] self.index += 1 if self.index > 8: self.index = 0 return choice class GamePlayer_BeatLast(AIGamePlayer): name = "Pick to beat last" def __init__(self): self.last_opponent_pick = 'scissors' def make_choice(self): return RPS_LOSE_LOGIC[self.last_opponent_pick] def view_opponent_choice(self, opponent_choice): self.last_opponent_pick = opponent_choice class GamePlayer_SwitchEvery(AIGamePlayer): name = "Switch Every Round" def __init__(self): self.last_self_pick = random.choice(['rock', 'paper', 'scissors']) def make_choice(self): new_list = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors'] new_list.remove(self.last_self_pick) new_pick = random.choice(new_list) self.last_self_pick = new_pick return new_pick def view_opponent_choice(self, opponent_choice): return class GamePlayer_StayIfWin(AIGamePlayer): name = "Repeat Choice if Win" def __init__(self): self.last_self_pick = 'paper' self.won_last_round = True def make_choice(self): if self.won_last_round: return self.last_self_pick else: new_list = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors'] new_list.remove(self.last_self_pick) new_pick = random.choice(new_list) self.last_self_pick = new_pick return new_pick def view_opponent_choice(self, opponent_choice): if RPS_WIN_LOGIC[self.last_self_pick] == opponent_choice: self.won_last_round = True else: self.won_last_round = False class GamePlayer_SabotageLearningAlgorithms(AIGamePlayer): name = "Sabotage Learning AIs" RPS_WIN_LOGIC = {'rock':'scissors', 'paper':'rock', 'scissors':'paper'} RPS_LOSE_LOGIC = {'scissors':'rock', 'rock':'paper', 'paper':'scissors'} def __init__(self): self.last_choice = random.choice(['rock', 'paper', 'scissors']) self.all_opponent_choices = [] self.all_my_choices = [] def make_choice(self): current_pick = self.pick_sabotage_choice() self.last_choice = current_pick self.all_my_choices.append(current_pick) return current_pick def pick_sabotage_choice(self): #This AI will look at the choice I made last round, and all our compared choices #It will try to pick a choice based on what it most expects the opponent to pick this round #From that data # Example: my choices = ['rock', 'rock', 'paper'] # opponent choices = ['scissors', 'paper', 'scissors'] # dictionary: {"rock:paper": 1, "rock:scissors": 1} #If I haven't seen any of the opponent's choices yet, just pick scissors if len(self.all_opponent_choices) == 0: return random.choice(['rock', 'paper', 'scissors']) reactions_dictionary = {} #Loop over all the opponents choices... for reaction_index in range(1, len(self.all_opponent_choices[1:])): #...create strings that are a combination of the choice I made and the next choice the opponent made... reaction_string = self.all_my_choices[reaction_index - 1] + ":" + self.all_opponent_choices[reaction_index] #Add these combinations to a dictionary to count the most frequent occurances... if reaction_string in reactions_dictionary: reactions_dictionary[reaction_string] = reactions_dictionary[reaction_string] + 1 else: reactions_dictionary[reaction_string] = 1 #Go through all the different reaction types for key in reactions_dictionary.keys(): #If I've seen an opponent reaction to my choice if self.last_choice in key: #Find the reaction they made to my choice the most often likely_reaction = max(reactions_dictionary.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0] #Split the combination in two likely_reaction_from_opponent = likely_reaction.split(':')[1] #Return what's going to beat THEIR choice return self.RPS_LOSE_LOGIC[likely_reaction_from_opponent] else: return random.choice(['rock', 'paper', 'scissors']) return random.choice(['rock', 'paper', 'scissors']) def view_opponent_choice(self, opponent_choice): #print("Win Rate: ", self.list_of_results) self.all_opponent_choices.append(opponent_choice) class TournamentManager: def __init__(self, players_to_play_against): self.players_to_play_against = players_to_play_against self.tournament_results = {} def __init__(self): self.players_to_play_against = opponents_list self.tournament_results = {} def run_tournament(self, main_player): self.tournament_results = {} print("AI Name:" + for player in self.players_to_play_against: rounds_to_play = ROUNDS_PER_MATCH match_result = self.play_match(main_player, player, rounds_to_play) if (match_result[0] > 0 or match_result[1] > 0): win_percentage = match_result[0]/(match_result[0] + match_result[1]) else: win_percentage = 0 self.tournament_results[] = win_percentage main_player.new_player() return self.print_all_results(main_player) def play_match(self,main_player, player,rounds): match_wins = 0 match_losses = 0 total_rounds_left = rounds failsafe_rounds = 100000 while (total_rounds_left > 0 and failsafe_rounds > 0): main_player_choice = main_player.make_choice() opponent_choice = player.make_choice() round_result = self.determine_round_result(main_player_choice, opponent_choice) if round_result == "Win": match_wins += 1 total_rounds_left -= 1 elif round_result == "Lose": match_losses += 1 total_rounds_left -= 1 elif round_result == "FAIL": return (0, ROUNDS_PER_MATCH) main_player.view_opponent_choice(opponent_choice) player.view_opponent_choice(main_player_choice) failsafe_rounds -= 1 return (match_wins, match_losses) def determine_round_result(self, player_choice, opponent_choice): if(player_choice not in RPS_WIN_LOGIC.keys()): return "FAIL" if player_choice == opponent_choice: return "Tie" elif RPS_WIN_LOGIC[player_choice] == opponent_choice: return "Win" else: return "Lose" def print_all_results(self, main_player): for opponent in self.tournament_results.keys(): print("Opponent: " + opponent + "|Win Percentage: " + str(self.tournament_results[opponent])) print("Total score: " + str(sum(self.tournament_results.values()) / len(self.tournament_results.values()))) return {} test_player = AIGamePlayer() test_player_2 = GamePlayer_Scissors() test_player_3 = GamePlayer_LoopThreeChoices() test_player_4 = GamePlayer_BeatLast() test_player_5 = GamePlayer_SwitchEvery() test_player_6 = GamePlayer_TripleLoopThreeChoices() test_player_7 = GamePlayer_PickToBeatAllChoicesRandom() test_player_8 = GamePlayer_PickToBeatMostChosen() test_player_9 = GamePlayer_StayIfWin() test_player_10 = GamePlayer_SabotageLearningAlgorithms() opponents_list = [test_player, test_player_2, test_player_3, test_player_4, test_player_5, test_player_6, test_player_7, test_player_8, test_player_9, test_player_10] #These are students' custom AIs. After they are all added to the same folder as this file, this code will #run depending on whether those ais are there or not try: import rpsai_tigershark tiger_shark = rpsai_tigershark.GamePlayer() opponents_list.append(tiger_shark) except ImportError: pass try: import rpsai_switcharoo switcharoo = rpsai_switcharoo.GamePlayer() opponents_list.append(switcharoo) except ImportError: pass try: import rpsai_shallowblue shallowblue = rpsai_shallowblue.GamePlayer() opponents_list.append(shallowblue) except ImportError: pass random.shuffle(opponents_list)