function scrollTo(id) { $('html,body').animate({ 'scrollTop': $('#' + id).offset().top - 60, }, 800); } function copyToClipboard(codeToCopy) { /* Get the text field */ const copyText = document.getElementById(codeToCopy).textContent; var textArea = document.createElement('textarea'); textArea.textContent = copyText; textArea.setAttribute('id', 'temporaryTA'); document.body.append(textArea); /* Select the text field */; textArea.setSelectionRange(0, 99999); /*For mobile devices*/ /* Copy the text inside the text field */ document.execCommand('copy'); var tooltip = document.getElementById('myTooltip'); tooltip.innerHTML = 'Code Copied to Clipboard'; textArea.remove(); } function resetToolTip() { var tooltip = document.getElementById('myTooltip'); tooltip.innerHTML = 'Copy to Clipboard'; } var isFF = !!navigator.userAgent.match(/firefox/i); if(!isFF){ $('.video').on('play', function() { $(this).parent().children(".playpause").fadeOut(); }); $('.video').on('pause', function() { $(this).parent().children(".playpause").fadeIn(); }); }