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Participants will take part in six sessions (one session a day) within the trial period, with three games per session for students that do not take part in early morning activities and four games per session for students that do take part in early morning activities. Each game will take approximately three minutes to complete. During each game, participants will take variations of the Stroops test, Corsi block-tapping task, and the Raven Progressive Matrices Test.
The first test before 7:40 AM, the second test between 8:30 AM and 9:46 AM, the third test between 11:26 AM and 12:26 PM, and the fourth test between 1:50 PM and 2:50 PM.
The first test between 8:30 AM and 9:46 AM, the second test between 11:26 AM and 12:26 PM, and the third test between 1:50 PM and 2:50 PM.
Note: For entry into a raffle, (Chick-fil-A and Chipotle gift cards!) you will need to complete at least 6 sessions in the trial period where you will have time to complete 1 session a day. One session is playing the games 3/4 times a day!
Now that you've read all that, are you ready to go on?
Button to move on will appear after 30 seconds.
Please fill out the below boxes.
In an average school week what time do you go to bed and wake up?
For future reference, this is your password: Password
Please keep it safe if you plan to return at any point in the test, however it will be saved automatically, so don't worry that much about it.
Now, we're finally done registering you! When you're ready:
For this test, you'll be given a word, and then you will enter the color of the word! (not
the name!)
You will get 2.25 seconds to respond to each round. However, the time it takes to select the color will be measured so answer as fast and as accurate as possible! There will be one practice round and ten real ones. After you have completed the tenth round you will move to the second game, and your stats will be saved automatically.
Practice Round
Now, when you're ready:
Now, you'll encounter a grid of squares, with some of them initially illuminated in white. After 1 second, the illuminated squares will transition to black, and your task is to click on the squares that were illuminated. In the initial stage, only three squares on a 3x3 grid will light up. However, with each successive round, an additional square will be illuminated. Furthermore, every third round will introduce a grid size increment of 1. Starting from the sixth round, the grid size will only increase every fourth round. Play as many rounds of this game as you can without making mistakes! Afterward, you will move to the third and final game and, of course, your stats will be automatically saved.
Now, are you ready to go on? Finally, whenever you're ready:
A sequence of figures will be displayed, and your objective is to determine the figure that best fits to replace the question mark. You'll have 15 seconds for each question, during which you can adjust your answer at any point. A brief three-second break will be provided between questions.
You can reselect your answer at any time within the 15 seconds.
In each section, you'll be given 3 random questions, for a total of , where the questions will be different in each section.
Please wait for your progress to be loaded!
Time Left: 0:15 Questions Done: 1/12
Good job! You have LOADING... part(s) left today, but those will have to wait. Please follow Seth's instructions on when to do them! Also, remember to play all games through three times today, at different times!
Note: For entry into the raffle, (Chick-fil-A and Chipotle gift cards!) you will need to complete at least 6 sessions in the trial period where you will have time to complete 1 session a day. One session is playing all three games times a day.
We cleared your login information and now you can move on with your life.