const pageURL = "./" // Use for redirecting backend usage. let promptText = ""; let answerText = ""; function parseQuery(queryString) { var query = { has(value) { return this[value] != null; }, get(value) { return this[value].toString(); } }; var pairs = (queryString[0] === '?' ? queryString.substr(1) : queryString).split('&'); for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) { var pair = pairs[i].split('='); query[decodeURIComponent(pair[0])] = decodeURIComponent(pair[1] || ''); } return query; } let URLValues = {}; function UpdatePageParams(Values) { // Overwrite values in pre-existing URLValues object. Object.keys(Values).forEach(value => { URLValues[value] = Values[value]; }); console.log(URLValues); // Put all the values into the url. let queryString = ""; Object.keys(URLValues).forEach(value => { queryString += `&${value}=${URLValues[value]}`; }) let newUrl = `${window.origin}/Hiragana_Teacher/?${queryString}`; console.log(`Changed page url to ${newUrl}!`); window.history.pushState({}, null, newUrl); } /** * @type {{Name: String, ObjectName: String, AnswerName: String, Author: Number, Visibility: public | private, Set: [{CharacterHere: String, chance: Number}]}} */ let list, listNumber, /**@type {{CharacterHere: string;chance: number;}} */ part, character, syllable, userIsMobile, currentPage = "", login_token = -1, Login_Username = "", SetInformation, exampleSetDisplay; async function loadAdditional() { console.log("Starting initial load!"); // Determine if the user is using a mobile device. if (userIsMobile = window.mobileCheck()) { console.log("The user is on mobile!"); // Hide the actual set selection from them and show the mobile one. const desktopSelection = document.getElementById("sets").style; desktopSelection.visibility = "hidden"; desktopSelection.height = "0px"; const mobileSelection = document.getElementById("MobileSelection").style; mobileSelection.visibility = "visible"; mobileSelection.height = "100%"; // Make the buttons and inputs big so their fingers can get at them. const smallStuff = [ document.getElementById("Selection"), document.getElementById("SubmitButton"), document.getElementById("VocabButton"), document.getElementById("StartButton"), document.getElementById("BackButton"), document.getElementById("AnswerInput")] smallStuff.forEach(element => { = "150%" = "100%" }); const AnswerBox = document.getElementById("AnswerInput"); = "97%" // Make the instructions change. document.getElementById("instructions").innerText = "Please use the dropdown below to select a set and then click the button to start." // Alter the Login Pane. const LoginItems = [ document.getElementById("Login").style, document.getElementById("NotLoggedInPane").style, document.getElementById("LoggedInPane") ]; LoginItems.forEach(item => { item.display = "block"; item.position = "relative"; item.transform = "scale(0.9)" }) // Hide the "Create a Set" button and search box. document.getElementById("CreateASetButton").style.visibility = "hidden"; document.getElementById("Search").style.visibility = "hidden"; } currentPage = "ListSelection"; // Get list of character sets from the server and offer it to the user. AddPublicSets(); exampleSetDisplay = document.getElementById("Set_Example").outerHTML.replace("hidden", "").toString(); // Make it so that, when the user presses enter on the text box, it goes onto the next question. let inputBox = document.getElementById("AnswerInput"); inputBox.addEventListener("keydown", (key) => { // Check if it's the enter key. if (key.key == "Enter") EvaluateAnswer(); }) // Make is to that the Search box works on enter too. let SearchBox = document.getElementById("SearchBox"); SearchBox.addEventListener("keydown", (key) => { // Check if it's the enter key. if (key.key == "Enter") ScrollToSearch(document.getElementById('SearchBox').value) }) // Make it so that the user's login token is invalidated when they leave the page. window.onbeforeunload = (event) => { postJSON(`${pageURL}/Post_Modules/InvalidateToken.js&cache=false`, { token: login_token }); }; // If there's a set specified in the URL, load it immediately. const params = parseQuery(location.href.substring(location.href.indexOf("?"))); if (params.has("set")) { load(params.get("set")); } return true; } async function GoToSignUp() { // Dynamically load in the sign up information. await loadToInnerHTML('./SignUp.html', "SignUpPane"); await loadScriptToChildOf(`SignUpPane`, `./SignUp.js`); // Move the user to the Sign up screen. document.getElementById("SignUpPane").style.display = "block" document.getElementById("ListSelection").style.display = "none" document.getElementById("game").style.display = "none" // Hide the existing login pane. document.getElementById("Login").style.display = "none"; } let authorNameCache = { }; async function authorIDToName(id) { if (AuthorIsInCache(id)) return authorNameCache[id]; if (authorNameCache[id] == null) { await AddAuthorToCache(id); } return authorNameCache[id]; } async function AddAuthorToCache(id) { authorNameCache[id] = (await fetchJSON(`${pageURL}/Modules/GetAuthorName.js&author=${id}`)).name console.log(`Added ${id} with name ${authorNameCache[id]} to cache!`) return authorNameCache[id]; } function AuthorIsInCache(id) { let cache = Object.keys(authorNameCache); for (let author in cache) { if (cache[author] == id) return true; } return false; } function LeaveSignUp() { document.getElementById("SignUpPane").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("ListSelection").style.removeProperty("display"); document.getElementById("game").style.removeProperty("display"); document.getElementById("Login").style.display = "block"; } async function loadScriptToChildOf(parent, url) { let script = document.createElement("script"); script.src = url; document.getElementById(parent).appendChild(script); } async function loadToInnerHTML(url, elementId) { // Fetch the HTML from the server. return fetch(url) .then(response => response.text()) .then(response => document.getElementById(elementId).innerHTML = response); } let LastSetId = -1; function load(setID, visible = true) { LastSetId = setID; // Put the setID in the URL. UpdatePageParams({"set": setID}) currentPage = "game" list = setID; // Erase change cache on reload. ChangeCache = []; gameEndedSinceLastLoop = true; // Now do the actual loading. LoadSetAndStart(visible); } let chances; const DEFAULT_CHANCE = 3; let answerMode; async function LoadSetAndStart(visible = true) { // Get the list from the server. listNumber = list; list = await fetchJSON(`${pageURL}Sets/${list}.json`) console.log("Fetched set from server! See below:") console.log(list); // Create the chances list. // Download saved progress from the server. let existing_data = {}; if (login_token != -1) { existing_data = (await postJSON(`${pageURL}/Post_Modules/GetProgress.js&cache=false`, { "login_token": login_token, "set": listNumber })).Chances } // Create filler data. for (let i = 0; i < list.Set.length; i++) { list.Set[i].chance = DEFAULT_CHANCE; } // Overwrite the filler data with what progress there is. for (let characterData in existing_data) { characterData = existing_data[characterData] for (let i = 0; i < list.Set.length; i++) { let listParts = Object.keys(list.Set[i]) if (listParts[0] == characterData.Character) list.Set[i].chance = characterData.Chance } } console.log("Final composited set:") console.log(list.Set) // Start the loop that checks if there's data that needs to be sent and sends it, but only if we're logged on. if (login_token != -1) { gameEndedSinceLastLoop = false; SendChangesToTheServer(); } // Set answer mode. answerMode = "Normal"; if (list.Notes != undefined && list.Notes.includes("AnswerMode")) { // Slice out what the answer mode is. answerMode = list.Notes.substring(list.Notes.indexOf("AnswerMode")); answerMode = answerMode.substring(answerMode.indexOf(":") + 1, answerMode.indexOf(" ")); } // Swap over to the game screen, also prepare prompt and answer texts. // Don't be visible if we're not visible. if (!visible) return; else { answerText = "{q} is {a}."; promptText = "What {c} is this?" document.getElementById("prompt").innerText = promptText.replace("{c}", list.ObjectName) answerText = answerText.replace("{at}", list.AnswerName); document.getElementById("AnswerInput").placeholder = list.AnswerName; // Prepare notes section and author name display. document.getElementById("AuthorNameDisplay").innerHTML = `Set by ${await authorIDToName(list.Author)}`; // Even though the server will also filter this out-- just in case, also filter out scripts here. const Notes = (list.Notes == undefined ? "" : list.Notes).replaceAll("", "

"); document.getElementById("NotesDisplay").innerHTML = Notes; ToggleScreen() // Start the game! startGame(); } } let ChangeCache = [], gameEndedSinceLastLoop; async function SendChangesToTheServer() { // Push data to the server once every two seconds. setTimeout(() => { // Only push data if there's data to be pushed. if (ChangeCache.length > 0) { // Reforge the ChangeCache into the form that we need to send to the server. let t1 = []; ChangeCache.forEach(change => { let keys = Object.keys(change); t1.push({ "Character": keys[0], "Chance": change.chance }); }); let changes = { "login_token": login_token, "set": listNumber, "changes": t1 } // Send the data to the server. postJSON(`${pageURL}/Post_Modules/UpdateProgress.js&cache=false`, changes); ChangeCache = []; } // Stop the loop if the game has ended. if (!gameEndedSinceLastLoop) SendChangesToTheServer(); }, 2000) } // Start up the game loop by selecting a character to use. async function startGame() { // Wipe the PHAnswerShower. document.getElementById("PHAnswerShower").innerHTML = ""; // Select and display a character. SelectAndDisplayACharacter(); } function GetChance() { return part.chance; } function DecrementChance(ammount) { part.chance -= ammount; ChangeCache.push(part); } function IncrementChance(ammount) { return DecrementChance(-ammount); } function SelectAndDisplayACharacter() { // Select a character. part = SelectCharacter(); // Pull out the character and the answers. const keys = Object.keys(part); let characterIndex = 0; // Make sure that the zeroth index is the character! if (keys[1] != "chance") characterIndex = 1; character = keys[characterIndex], syllable = part[keys[characterIndex]]; // Display the parts. (If the user's logged in, put a Jisho link instead.) if (login_token == -1) document.getElementById("Display").innerHTML = character.replaceAll("・", "
"); else { document.getElementById("Display").innerHTML = `${character.replaceAll("・", "
`; // Also load examples here if they're requested. LoadCurrentExample(); } } let ExampleCache = {}; function LoadCurrentExample() { const ExampleSentenceDisplay = document.getElementById("GameExampleDiv"); if (ExamplesEnabled) { // Send the request to the server.. const data = { "Set": listNumber, "Word": character, "Definition": syllable, "ForceNew": false, "login_token": login_token }; if (ExampleCache[character] != null) { const json = {Example: ExampleCache[character]}; ExampleSentenceDisplay.innerHTML = json.Example + `
Jisho Link`; ExampleSentenceDisplay.hidden = false; } else { postJSON(`${pageURL}/Post_Modules/GetExampleSentence.js&cache=false`, data) .then(json => { if (json.successful) { // The below code is safe. All content is controlled. ExampleSentenceDisplay.innerHTML = json.Example + `
Jisho Link`; ExampleSentenceDisplay.hidden = false; ExampleCache[character] = json.Example; } else { ReLog().then(() => LoadCurrentExample()) } }); } } else { ExampleSentenceDisplay.hidden = true; } } function SyllableToList(syllable) { let HRAnswer = syllable; if (syllable.indexOf("/") != -1) { HRAnswer = syllable.replaceAll("/", ", "); HRAnswer = HRAnswer.substring(0, HRAnswer.lastIndexOf(", ")) + " or " + HRAnswer.substring(HRAnswer.lastIndexOf(", ") + 1); } return HRAnswer; } function ArrayContains(array, item) { for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) if (array[i] == item) return true; return false; } function EvaluateAnswer() { let right = false; /** * @param {String} string * @returns String processed. */ function Process(string) { return string.trim().toLowerCase().replaceAll(".", "").replaceAll("!", "").replaceAll("?", "").replaceAll(",", "").replaceAll("-", "").replaceAll(" ", ""); } let UserAnswer = document.getElementById("AnswerInput").value; if (answerMode == "Normal") { // Tell the user if their answer was right or wrong. // Ignore capitalization and punctuation. UserAnswer = Process(UserAnswer + "").split("/") // Check if the user's answer matches any of the supplied ones. let ActualAnswers = Process(syllable).split("/"); ActualAnswers.forEach(ValidAnswer => { // Save performance by only checking if the answer is correct if a previous answer wasn't correct. // JS won't let me break from this loop, so this is how I'm doing it. if (right == false) { let answer = ValidAnswer.trim(); if (UserAnswer == answer) { right = true; } } }); } else if (answerMode == "NoSplit") { right = UserAnswer == syllable; } // If the user was right, decrease the chance of getting that one. // Otherwise, increase the chance by two. if (right) { DecrementChance(1); } else { IncrementChance(2); } // Create a human-readable answer by replacing all the slashes with "," // And the last one with "or" // But only do this if the mode is normal. let HRAnswer; if (answerMode == "Normal") HRAnswer = SyllableToList(syllable); else HRAnswer = syllable; HRAnswer = answerText.replace("{a}", HRAnswer).replace("{q}", character).toString(); // If the last two characters in HRAnswer are punctuation, remove the extra punctuation. if (ArrayContains(".?!".split(''), HRAnswer.charAt(HRAnswer.length - 1))) HRAnswer = HRAnswer.slice(0, -1); // The below has been altered to limit user input to text. Without real effort, this error will continue to exist. let text = `You were ${right ? "right" : "wrong"}!

`; document.getElementById("PHAnswerShower").innerHTML = text; document.getElementById("PHAnswer").innerText = HRAnswer document.getElementById("AnswerInput").value = ""; // Get another character. SelectAndDisplayACharacter(); } // Chooses a character to test the user on. let LastSelectedChoice = -1; function SelectCharacter() { /* Procedure: If the set is longer than 20, divide it into (at most) 20-length chunks. Calculate the average score within each chunk. If it's more than the average of the full thing, study it. Once we've selected a chunk, flip a three-sided coin and if it's heads, choose the one with most times wrong. Otherwise, choose randomly. */ // Divide into chunks. /** * @type {[[{CharacterHere: String, chance: Number}]]} */ let chunks = []; for (let i = 0; i < list.Set.length; i++) { if (i % 20 == 0) { chunks[Math.floor(i / 20)] = []; } chunks[Math.floor(i / 20)].push(list.Set[i]); } // Calculate chunk averages. let averages = []; chunks.forEach(chunk => { let avg = 0; for (let i = 0; i < chunk.length; i++) { avg += chunk[i].chance; } avg /= chunk.length; averages.push(avg); }) // Select the chunk with the highest average score. let max = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; /** * @type [{CharacterHere: String, chance: Number}] */ let selectedChunk = null; for (let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { if (averages[i] > max) { selectedChunk = chunks[i]; max = averages[i]; } } // console.log(`Selected chunk: ${chunks.indexOf(selectedChunk)}`); // Gets a random index from the chunk. let RandomCharacter = () => { return Math.floor(Math.random() * selectedChunk.length); } // Selects the highest chance in the chunk. function GetMaxChanceIndex() { let maxIndex = -1, max = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (let i = 0; i < selectedChunk.length; i++) if (selectedChunk[i].chance > max) { maxIndex = i; max = selectedChunk[i].chance; } return maxIndex; } // Flip a three-sided coin, and if it's heads, choose the one with the max number of times wrong. Else, choose a random one. let rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3); let DontChooseRandomly = (rand == 0); let choice = -1; if (DontChooseRandomly) choice = GetMaxChanceIndex(); else choice = RandomCharacter(); // Prevent the same one from being chosen twice in a row, but only if the set's long enough to let that happen. // NOTE: This wastes flops when the selected chunk changes, but it's transparent to the user and not really that big of a deal so I'm not going to fix it lol. if (choice == LastSelectedChoice && list.Set.length >= 2) do choice = RandomCharacter() while (choice == LastSelectedChoice) LastSelectedChoice = choice; return selectedChunk[choice]; } function ToggleScreen() { let ListSelection, game; // Ascertain whether we're ending the game or not, and feed that into the loop that sends info to the server. // (Basically, just stop the loop if we're leaving, since it saves resources.) let leavingGame = !document.getElementById("game").hidden; gameEndedSinceLastLoop = leavingGame; (ListSelection = document.getElementById("ListSelection")).hidden = !document.getElementById("ListSelection").hidden;"display"); (game = document.getElementById("game")).hidden = leavingGame;"display"); } async function fetchJSON(URL) { return fetch(URL).then((r) => (r.json())); } /** * Posts the data to the given URL. * @param {String} URL The URL to post to. * @param {{*}} data The JSON for the server. DO NOT STRINGIFY BEFOREHAND! * @returns {Promise<{*}>} The JSON back from the server. */ async function postJSON(URL, data) { let request = fetch(URL, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(data) }) return request.then((res) => res.json()); } const loginPrompt = "Logged in as {X}!" async function updateLoginPane(IsPasswordCorrect) { // Make sure that the login pane is visible, but hide the normal login display and show the "Logged in as {X}!" one. console.log("Login token: " + login_token); document.getElementById("Login").style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("NotLoggedInPane").style.display = "none" let loginPane; (loginPane = document.getElementById("LoggedInPane")).style.display = "block"; if (IsPasswordCorrect) { // Update the username and set displays if the password was right. loginPane.innerText = loginPrompt.replace("{X}", Login_Username) UpdateVisibleSets(); // Show the "Create a Set Button" document.getElementById("CreateASetButton").hidden = false; // Reload the set. if (LastSetId != -1) { load(LastSetId, false); } } else { loginPane.innerText = "Incorrect password!" setTimeout(() => { = "none"; document.getElementById("NotLoggedInPane").style.display = "block" }, 500) } } async function UpdateVisibleSets() { await AddPublicSets(); await AddPrivateSets(); // Also show the cards buttons here. ShowCardsButtons(); ShowEditableSets() } // Loops through all Flash Card buttons and shows them. function ShowCardsButtons() { // If the user's logged in, show all the buttons. (If they're on mobile, show the button instead.) if (Login_Username != null && !userIsMobile) { SetInformation.forEach(element => document.getElementById(`CardButton_${element.ID}`).hidden = false ); } else if (Login_Username != null) document.getElementById("VocabButton").hidden = false; } // Makes a word into its plural version. function Pluralify(word) { // Do some processing stuff to the ObjectName if it's referring to something using `'s`... if (word.endsWith("'s")) word = word.replace("'s", ""); if (word.endsWith("i")) return word + "i"; else return word + "s"; } async function AddPublicSets() { return new Promise((res) => { fetchJSON(pageURL + "Modules/GetCharacterSets.js&cache=false") .then(async (response) => { SetInformation = response.lists; // Set up the desktop and mobile UI. let all, text = all = ""; for (let i = 0; i < response.lists.length; i++) { let element = response.lists[i]; // If the user's on a mobile device, only process the stuff for their dropdown. if (userIsMobile) { text += `` continue; } let authorName = await authorIDToName( // Assemble the string around it. all = all + exampleSetDisplay .replace("Name", element.Name) .replace("Length", element.length + " " + Pluralify(element.ObjectName)) .replaceAll("{s}", element.ID) .replace("Set_Example", `Set_${element.ID}`) .replace("{a}", authorName); } document.getElementById("Selection").innerHTML = text; document.getElementById("sets").innerHTML = all; if (!userIsMobile) document.getElementById("sets").style.visibility = "visible"; else document.getElementById("MobileSelection").style.visibility = "visible"; res(true); }) }) } async function AddPrivateSets() { return new Promise((res) => { // Get list of character sets from the server and offer it to the user, but only in the desktop sort of way. postJSON(pageURL + "Post_Modules/GetPrivateSets.js&cache=false", { token: login_token }) .then(async (response) => { // Set up the desktop and mobile UI. let all, text = all = ""; for (let i = 0; i < response.sets.length; i++) { let element = response.sets[i]; // If the user's on a mobile device, only process the stuff for their dropdown. if (userIsMobile) { text += `` continue; } // Append this response to the SetInformation. SetInformation.push(element); let authorName = await authorIDToName( // Do some processing stuff to the ObjectName if it's referring to something using `'s`... if (element.ObjectName.includes("'s")) element.ObjectName = element.ObjectName.replace("'s", ""); // Assemble the string around it. all = all + exampleSetDisplay .replace("Name", element.Name) .replace("Length", element.length + " " + element.ObjectName + "s") .replaceAll("{s}", `${element.ID}`) .replace("Set_Example", `Set_${element.ID}`) .replace("{a}", authorName); } document.getElementById("sets").innerHTML = all + document.getElementById("sets").innerHTML; document.getElementById("Selection").innerHTML = text + document.getElementById("Selection").innerHTML; if (!userIsMobile) document.getElementById("sets").style.visibility = "visible"; else document.getElementById("MobileSelection").style.visibility = "visible"; res(true); }) }) } function ShowEditableSets() { // Using saved set information, decide which sets should be shown. SetInformation.forEach(element => { if (Login_Username != null) { let authorName = document.getElementById(`Author_${element.ID}`).innerHTML; authorName = authorName.substring(authorName.indexOf(":") + 1).trim(); if (authorName == Login_Username) { document.getElementById(`EditButton_${element.ID}`).hidden = false; } } else document.getElementById(`EditButton_${element.ID}`).hidden = true; }); } let LoginData = {} // Relogs the user, using saved information. async function ReLog() { if (Object.keys(LoginData).length > 1) return LoginAs(LoginData.username, LoginData.password, true); else return null; } async function LoginAs(username, password, forceResetToken = false) { return new Promise(async res => { // Get a login token from the server. LoginData = { "username": username, "password": password } let token = (await postJSON(`${pageURL}Post_Modules/GetLoginToken.js&cache=false`, LoginData)).token; // Check if the token was valid and take the correct actions if it was, tell the user they were wrong, otherwise. if (token != -1 || forceResetToken) { login_token = token; Login_Username = LoginData.username; updateLoginPane(true); // If the game is currently running, start sending data to the server. if (currentPage == "game") SendChangesToTheServer() // Show example sentence button here. document.getElementById("GameExampleSentenceButton").hidden = false; res(true) } else { document.getElementById("GameExampleSentenceButton").hidden = true; updateLoginPane(false); res(false) } }) } async function ToggleSetDisplay() { return new Promise(async (res) => { // If the set display is empty, download the content that should be in there and load it. let SetCreationPaneLoaded = !document.getElementById("SetCreationPane").innerHTML.length == 0 if (!SetCreationPaneLoaded) { loadToInnerHTML("./CreateSet.html", "SetCreationPane") .then(() => loadScriptToChildOf("SetCreationPane", "./CreateSet.js")) .then(() => res(true)); } // Toggle the set display. document.getElementById("Home").hidden = !document.getElementById("Home").hidden; document.getElementById("SetCreationPane").hidden = !document.getElementById("SetCreationPane").hidden; while (document.getElementById("CreateSetButton") == null) await new Promise((r2) => setTimeout(() => {r2()}, 30)) SetCreationMode = "Create"; document.getElementById("CreateSetButton").innerText = "Submit!"; document.getElementById("SetMaker").style.display = "block"; if (SetCreationPaneLoaded) res(true) }) } async function edit(set_id) { // Go to the set display. await ToggleSetDisplay(); // Wait until the stuff is loaded... while (typeof Add_Line_With_Values === 'undefined') await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(() => {res()}, 30)) // Download set information from the server. let set = await fetchJSON(`${pageURL}Sets/${set_id}.json`); document.getElementById("SetName").value = set.Name; document.getElementById("ObjectName").value = set.ObjectName; document.getElementById("AnswerName").value = set.AnswerName; // Load the notes in. if (set.Notes != undefined) document.getElementById("NotesInput").value = set.Notes; else document.getElementById("NotesInput").value = ""; // Make the visibility drop down select the right option. let VisibilitySelector; (VisibilitySelector = document.getElementById("PublicPrivateSelector")).value = set.Visibility; for (var i = 0; i < VisibilitySelector.options.length; i++) { if (VisibilitySelector.options[i].text === set.Visibility) { VisibilitySelector.selectedIndex = i; break; } } // Clear the rows and then put in the new ones. ClearRows(); set.Set.forEach(AnswerPair => { let question = Object.keys(AnswerPair)[0]; Add_Line_With_Values(question, AnswerPair[question]); }) // Remove the first row, since it contains the default value. // This is a hacky solution... but it works. let FirstRowNum = Object.keys(rows)[0]; FirstRowNum = FirstRowNum.substring(FirstRowNum.indexOf('_') + 1); document.getElementById(`remove_${FirstRowNum}`).onclick(); // Set the creation mode to Edit, so it will edit sets rather than just make a new one. SetCreationMode = "Edit"; document.getElementById("CreateSetButton").innerHTML = "Submit Edits!"; EditSetID = set_id; document.getElementById("DeleteSetButton").hidden = false; } async function LoadCards(set) { // Save information about the set. currentPage = "cards"; list = set; // Load the set. listNumber = list; list = await fetchJSON(`${pageURL}Sets/${list}.json`); // Convert that information into the form that the cards system expects. let ListOfWordsInNewFormat = [] list.Set.forEach(set => { let setInOtherFormat = { front: Object.keys(set)[0], }; // Turn the answer into a human-readable list, and use that for the rear. setInOtherFormat.back = SyllableToList(set[setInOtherFormat.front]); ListOfWordsInNewFormat.push(setInOtherFormat); }) // Start the cardviewer. StartCards(ListOfWordsInNewFormat); } let IsCardPaneLoaded = false; let listOfWords = []; async function StartCards(list) { // Hide the other panes, Load the cards pane, if it's not already loaded. if (!IsCardPaneLoaded) { await loadToInnerHTML('./FlipCard.html', "CardPane"); await loadScriptToChildOf("CardPane", "./FlipCard.js"); IsCardPaneLoaded = true; } // Wait until the stuff is loaded... while (typeof move === 'undefined') await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(() => {res(console.log("Waiting!"))}, 30)) listOfWords = list; index = 0; move(0); document.getElementById("ListSelection").hidden = true; document.getElementById("CardPane").hidden = false; } function leaveCardScreen() { document.getElementById("ListSelection").hidden = false; document.getElementById("CardPane").hidden = true; } // Search thing. /** * Searches for something in the set list and then scrolls to it. * @param {String} query What to search for. */ async function ScrollToSearch(query) { // Look through all titles and scroll to the one which has the most word matches. let MaxWordMatches = 1, Element; // Split query into words. query = query.toLowerCase().trim().split(" ") // Use word matching if the query is only one word long. if (query.length == 1) query[0] = `${query[0]} ` const Children = document.getElementById("sets").children; for (let i = 0; i < Children.length; i++) { // Get the words. Add a space after if we're dealing with a single query. /** * @type {[String]} */ let words = Children[i].innerText.toLowerCase(); // See how many matches it has. let matches = 0; // Check to see if the text of the thing contains any query words. for (let p = 0; p < query.length; p++) { let keyword = query[p]; if (words.indexOf(keyword) != -1) { matches++; continue; } } if (matches >= MaxWordMatches) { MaxWordMatches = matches; Element = Children[i]; } } // Once we have the most-matching element, scroll to it. if (Element != undefined) { Element.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' }); // Highlight the text in the set. return new Promise(async (resolve) => { for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) { let color = i % 2 == 0 ? "yellow" : "antiquewhite" = "background: " + color + ";" await new Promise(r => setTimeout(() => { r() }, 1000)) } = ""; }) } else alert("No results found!") } // Show example sentences on the game. let ExamplesEnabled = false; function ToggleGameExamples() { ExamplesEnabled = !ExamplesEnabled; document.getElementById("GameExampleDiv").hidden = ExamplesEnabled; const Button = document.getElementById("GameExampleSentenceButton"); if (ExamplesEnabled) { Button.innerText = Button.innerText.replaceAll("Show", "Hide"); } else { Button.innerText = Button.innerText.replaceAll("Hide", "Show"); } // Request examples for the current thing. LoadCurrentExample(); }