const WebsiteURL = ""; // Create a cache of players. let PlayerCache = {}; async function GetFromPlayerCache(file) { if (PlayerCache[file] != null) return PlayerCache[file]; else { PlayerCache[file] = await fetch(`${WebsiteURL}Players/${file}`) .then((response) => response.json()); return PlayerCache[file]; } } async function SetDropDown() { // Get list of players from server. let players = await fetch(WebsiteURL + "Modules/GetPlayersByNameAndFile.js&cache=false") .then((response) => response.json()) // Add each player to an options list. let list = ""; // Add an option for overall attendance, if this is the attendance page. if (document.URL.includes("Attendance_Attendance.html")) list += "" players.players.forEach(player => { // Collate that all into a list. list += `` }); document.getElementById("Loading_Text").hidden = true; document.getElementById("player-names").innerHTML = list; } function ArrayContains(array, val) { for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) if (array[i] == val) return true; return false; } function TurnArrayIntoListOfNames(array) { let text = ""; if (array.length >= 2) { for (let i = 0; i < array.length - 1; i++) { text += array[i] if (i != array.length - 2) text += ", " } text += " and " + array[array.length - 1]; return text; } else return array[0]; } async function LoadPlayerFromDropDown() { // Get the specified player's information from the server. const player = document.getElementById("player-names").value; let data; // If it's overall, use that function instead. console.log(`Player: "${player}"`); // Load the user's data. await fetch(`${WebsiteURL}Players/${player}`) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((d) => data = PlayerCache[player] = d); console.log(PlayerCache); // Get the matches they were in. let playerID = player.substring(0, player.indexOf(".")); await fetch(`${WebsiteURL}Modules/GetMatches.js&player=${playerID}`) .then((response) => response.json()) .then((d) => { data.Games = d.Matches; }); // Change the loading text back to show that the thing is loading again, hide the drop-down. document.getElementById("Loading_Text").hidden = false; document.getElementById("Loading_Text").innerText = "Loading Matches: 0%"; document.getElementById("Selection_Helpers").hidden = true; document.getElementById("ResetWinratePageButton").hidden = false; // Load the player's matches. let GameData = data.Games // Set Text once all the things have been loaded. document.getElementById("Loading_Text").hidden = true; document.getElementById("MatchDisplay").hidden = false; // PlayerName has XX Matches, here are the details: let PlayerFirstName = data.Name.substring(0, data.Name.indexOf(' ')); document.getElementById("Match Display Title").innerHTML = `${PlayerFirstName} has ${GameData.length} match${GameData.length != 1 ? "es" : ""}. Here are the details:`; // Fetch winrate information. let winrate = await fetch(`${WebsiteURL}Modules/GetWinrate.js&player=${playerID}`).then(res => res.json()); winrate = Math.floor(winrate.winrate * 10000) / 100 // Fetch reliability information. let reliability = await fetch(`${WebsiteURL}Modules/GetReliability.js&player=${playerID}`).then(res => res.json()); reliability = Math.floor(reliability.reliability * 100); // Make the text to show on screen. let output = `Winrate: ${winrate}%
Reliability: ${reliability}% (Can be more than 100%)`; let MatchNumber = 0; GameData.forEach(async Game => { // Figure out if the player won or lost. let winningSide = []; if (Game.Result == "Win") winningSide = Game.Players else winningSide = Game.Enemies; let DidPlayerWin = ArrayContains(winningSide, playerID) // Make the Text Green if they won and red if they lost, or yellow if they tied. Also, write down the result, from the player's perspective. let textClass, GameResult = "Tie"; if (Game.Result == "Tie") textClass = "yellowText" else if (DidPlayerWin) { textClass = "greenText" GameResult = "Win" } else if (!DidPlayerWin) { textClass = "redText" GameResult = "Loss" } console.log(Game.Result); let heading = `

Match #${++MatchNumber}: ${GameResult}

`; let TeamMembers = []; let NumberProcessing = Game.Players.length + Game.Enemies.length; Game.Players.forEach(async player => { let playerInfo = await GetFromPlayerCache(`${player}.json`) TeamMembers.push((await playerInfo).Name); NumberProcessing--; }) let Enemies = []; Game.Enemies.forEach(async player => { let playerInfo = GetFromPlayerCache(`${player}.json`) Enemies.push((await playerInfo).Name); NumberProcessing--; }) do { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 50)) } while (NumberProcessing != 0) TeamMembers = TurnArrayIntoListOfNames(TeamMembers); Enemies = TurnArrayIntoListOfNames(Enemies); let part1 = "This was a game "; if (Game.PlayedGame != null) part1 += `of ${Game.PlayedGame} `; let text = part1 + `between ${TeamMembers} and ${Enemies}. ` // Determine whether the specified player was on the winning team or not. if (GameResult == "Tie") text += "This game was a tie."; else if (!DidPlayerWin) text += `Unfortunately, ${PlayerFirstName} lost this game.` else text += `${PlayerFirstName} won this game.` if (Game.Map != null) text += ` This game was played on ${Game.Map}.` output += heading + text; document.getElementById("Match Display").innerHTML = output; }); } function ResetWinratePage() { document.getElementById("Loading_Text").hidden = true; document.getElementById("Loading_Text").innerText = ""; document.getElementById("Selection_Helpers").hidden = false; document.getElementById("MatchDisplay").hidden = true; document.getElementById("ResetWinratePageButton").hidden = true; document.getElementById("Match Display Title").innerText = ""; document.getElementById("Match Display").innerText = ""; }